You’re in charge.

It’s Raw and Real.

No birth story is the same. Some birth at home, some a hospital, and some prefer a birthing center. It doesn’t matter where you deliver, but that you feel secure, safe and supported. No matter the environment, I will be there to bring you support and provide images that are sacred during a time that is fleeting.

Let’s talk!

It’s Mind Over Matter.

We all have an idea of what we want our birth to look like. That could be letting loose in a tub full of warm water with twinkling lights around you, pain, medication and a nice nap at the hospital, or a natural birth with absolutely no plan. You get to be in charge of this story. I am simply here to document the power you possess while bringing your baby into this world. No judgments, no expectations, nothing but love, patience, and friendship.


Don’t miss the time you have to capture the essence of your newborn. The incredibly tiny hands and feet, the perfect little nose, the perfect sleeping moment. It flies so quickly, and before you know it they’re tearing up the house. Allow me, to freeze that small time we have with our newborns, and give you a product that will last a lifetime.

Investing in Your Birth Story

My birth packages start at $1200 with add-ons available. The goal would be to be a friendly face in the room, bring you support, help you make evidence based decisions, and give you timeless memories that will remind you I’m just how strong you’ve always been for years to come.

Birth can be amazing, peaceful, and redemptive when you take control of your story.

Invite me to be a part of it and help you tell it.